On Wednesday 30th October the activity “World chair game” by Casa da Juventude de Amarante has been successfully tested in Italy, Frattamaggiore, at the Youth Center Il Cantiere. More than 20 people from Gambia, Ghana, Germany, Guinea Bissau, Italy, Morocco, Nigeria, Portugal, Romania, Senegal and Spain, had fun together and, through a Chair game , discussed…Continua a leggere “The testing activities of FYCIC have started!”

The four organizations involved in the project FYCIC met in Spain to plan a joint intervention to promote interculturality in Europe. From 23rd to 27th September, Cantiere Giovani, Sarean, Aventura Marao Clube – Casa da Juventude de Amarante and Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto met at “Sarean, Espacio cultural comunitario” in Bilbao, Spain, to plan a common strategy to…Continua a leggere “MEETING IN BILBAO TO PROMOTE INTERCULTURALITY IN EUROPE”

A strategic partnership for innovation in youth policies From 27th April to 1st May it is taking place at Frattamaggiore (Naples, Italy) the first international meeting of organisations working in the youth field promoted by the project “From Youth Centers to Intercultural Centers” (FYCIC), in the frame of the Erasmus Plus Program of the European…Continua a leggere “EUROPEAN ORGANIZATIONS WORKING ON DEVELOPMENT OF YOUTH INTERCULTURAL CENTERS”